Fabric craft is an environmental-friendly activity?

2022-02-19 . written by Xen So . 2 min read

手作不單單是打發時間的興趣, 背後可能令你關注到更深的議題。

在《Making is connected》一書中提到,自家製的東西再次興起的部分原因是因為更多人關注環境的議題。 反對消費主義的氾濫,並擁抱環境和倫理問題。而《The Culture of Knitting》則形容編織為一種替代和一種解決問題的方案,同時作為對議題和形勢的批評,以及挑戰主流意識形態。





Knitting as an alternative to be sustainable. In the book Making is connecting by David Gauntlett (2011), it told that home made things have risen again partly because more people aware to the environment. It against the proliferation of consumerism. Embracing environmental and ethical issues, knitting provides an alternative, a mean of problem-solving, while offering a critique of concerns and situations, as well as to challenge the dominant ideology (Turney, 2009).

Then, let’s see what the local craftsman view on this. 2 of the interviewees think fabric craft is environmentally friendly because the hand-made sweater is long-lasting, and also people will cherish it and won’t throw it away easily. One of the interviewees said that Clothing for her was disposable before but then becoming to cherish all the clothing after learning knit and crochet. They are like a hint for her to buy less clothing through knitting. The opposite view of another interviewee is that the number of purchasing a sweater is definitely decreased, but it leads to an increase in buying more fabric craft-related books, tools, and yarns.

Besides the local craftsman, one of the owner of KNITKNIT berlin also said that one of the reason to knit is against fast fashion. She loves to send her knittings to her friends.

Someone starts to do fabric craft because they are concerned about environmental issue; while someone starts to pay attention to environmental issue because of fabric craft. Therefore, rather than saying that fabric craft is an environmental-friendly activity, it is better to say that fabric craft provides an opportunity to make you pay attention to environmental issues.

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Gauntlett, D. (2011). Making is connecting : The social meaning of creativity from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Turney, J. (2009). The culture of knitting (English ed.). New York, NY: Berg.

Image source
Barbara Kruger - I shop therefore I am, 1987, screenprint on vinyl, 125 x 125 cm, photo: CC BY 2.0 by krossbow

Photo credit
Sammi Ho

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